Saturday, January 23, 2010

Listening Makes Raw Food Easy!

It really is easy to eat only raw foods. The hard part is realizing that. The only way to realize that is to actually do it! Eat only raw foods and just keep doing it. It is in the choices you make. Listen to what your body is telling you. Not what your craving or desiring but what does your body really need. Here are some things you can become aware of that will help you decide what your body is telling you.

1. Are you really hungry?
2. Are you thirsty?
3. When it is "time" to eat do you listen to your body or do you follow what everyone else is doing?
4. What do you tell yourself when passing by your favorite restaurant?
5. When your out with friends and they offer you something you know will affect you in a less that excellent way, what do you feel, and how would you like to respond?
6. Same thing at a family gathering. Do you really want to eat all of that? How will you feel afterwords?
7. What is in your kitchen? Know what is food and what is not. Educate yourself
8. When feeling emotional do you reach for food? If so what would be the best choice?
9. When you are craving something, ask yourself why, go deep. Then decide and love it.
10. Know that you are free to make choices and that what you chose affects what comes next.

Planing ahead can make all the difference in your success.

One simple fast and easy meal:

2 big green leafs (collard, kale, cabbage, romaine lettuce)
2 tsp raw pumpkin seed butter
1 avocado
3 chopped raw olives
some chopped tomato
some dulse seaweed

Spread the pumpkin butter on the leafs, then the avocado, top it off with the rest of the ingredients and eat!

Be gentle with yourself!


Bob said...

Hello Shanti and All,

Thank you for the guideline questions. They help me re-examine my own motives for eating (e.g. when under work stress), as well as prepare me to cordially decline less than healthy offers from friends and relatives. Being a vegan is just another facet of me, that casts me out of the mainstream society, but I'm better for it. I've often found myself going against the grain to get good things done in life. I only hope someday others will become aware.

Ciao for now,


Kristen's Raw said...

Sounds delish!

Bob said...

This list is great for the newcomer to raw foods full of life. As my clarity and unadulterated (by stimulants) energy increases (feeling the difference inside already), I look at (basically all)restaurants and even my cast iron skillet with nostalgia. They resemble exhibits at a museum, such as Plimoth Plantation: "Isn't it quaint how they subsisted?"
Goodbye to buying vegetable shortening, baking powder...It really is a new adventure and I need to pursue it to combat aging and the fun things that come along with that. Green is clean and the band Echo and The Bunnymen put out a song, "Do It Clean".

Have a Great Week Everyone,


Susan Moon said...

Thanks Bob, for your insights they are delightful!