Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Freedom of Choice!

I've been thinking about choice! Sometimes we feel helpless to what is going on around us! I use to take everything personally! From the slightest frown to the biggest "I hate you" remark. I thought every thing was directed at me! I must be so awful, and so I felt yucky inside! I also could not receive love. Many people in my life gave me so much of it and I could not let it in. It's mind blowing to think about that!

Trying to convince people why they should love me while believing that no one did was exhausting. Wow! What a load to carry! I believed that I could not love them if they did not love me first, and I still fall into that pattern sometimes now, but I'm recognizing it sooner.

Making conscious choices to love myself and others unconditionally simply feels good, although not always easy. Well, it is actually easy once you make the choice, and the feeling of freedom is so awakening. I'm learning to observe and listen to my feelings, physically and emotionally. It's important for me to just watch for awhile and not do anything, this helps me to make wiser and healthier decisions.

Whether it's a choice to eat something that is good for my body or to respond to a situation in a way that generates love and trust I have it within myself to slow down a little and listen. Then after hearing that clear voice inside I can make a choice that is the most beneficial.

We all can listen and make choices that create love and connection!



Bob said...

Hello Shanti,

I go through life with the face I am born with. People often think I'm upset or angry and I'm not at all. It's just the overall look I display, I guess.
Inside, I'm different, trying to exist without hurting others, trying to use my skills. It's just another challenge for me, dealing with my facial expressions and their effects on others.
So your message of love is helpful in reminding me not to take others' "what appears to be scorn directed at me" too seriously. Bob

Susan Moon said...

Cool!I do believe we are souls not bodies!

Bob said...

Hi Shanti,
When we wake up in the morning and feel that feeling, that we are positive beings here for another day to spread good around, I feel we no longer require the love and approval of others to do so. It's easier to be a love bug than to be judgmental and prejudiced. Like honesty, it's easier for me to be simple and honest, than to try to remember any lies I created and get caught up. I'm being gentle on myself, thanks for that advice.
I did a two day fast and clean-up.
Now to start eating again, making good choices.
Irey Ites Mahn (Jamaican expression)

Bob said...

Hello to All,
I heard an interview with author Jeremy Rifkin. He has a new book out called The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis. He maintains we're all hard-wired to feel each others pain. We (I do) cringe when we see a spider on someone else, for instance. Maybe this trait will save us. It seems relevant, because a lot of unconditional love stems from empathy for others. Bye for Now,

Bob said...

Life IS simpler, once one makes the choice. Slowing down time to observe lends to clarity. Truly listening to others, blocking out pre-conceived notions and learning to love unconditionally can lift me to new understanding.
After putting out ads for musicians to form a band, I'm meeting diverse people and realizing I have to put the above principles into play to make it work. And I don't have forever, (ha ha). So far, so good. But what if I have to make some "cuts"? One thinks it will all fall into place and the musicians I've met are all pretty good. Maybe the group will have TWO drummers, like the Grateful Dead and The Allman Brothers.

Hoping for Peace All Around the World/Why Can't It Be?
