Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What's Hot?

In the raw food world GREEN SMOOTHIES are, well I can't really say hot. They're cool! Let's just say many are talking about and drinking them. From what I have read and heard people are feeling great and happy!

Chocolate is also a very popular item, RAW chocolate that is. I have not heard as many people talk about how great they feel after eating this. I myself have felt pretty less than great and happy. Well I was happy while I was putting it in my mouth and tasting its yummy flavor, but within an hour or so of having it my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest, and I can't sleep, and I feel yucky. So now I do not eat it accept to taste a very little bit once in a great while.

Of the two I vote for the green smoothies! I have been blending greens for 9 years now. For the first 6 months on raw foods that is all I ate. My smoothies were a lot different than most of the recipes I see out there now. Mine had no sweet fruits in them. At the time, very long ago I could not tolerate the sugars in these yummy fruits. It was because of candida and leaky gut. Still to this day I feel better if I only eat a little bit of fruit. My smoothies consisted of mostly greens and non sweet fruits. It's really a green soup. I'll give you a basic recipe at the end of the post.

It is not always easy to come up with different flavors and always have them taste good, but I do not make them for the taste. I make them because they are healing! I can mostly drink any combination of greens that I put together. Although sometimes I just need something sweet and I go ahead and make myself a durian coconut smoothie! My favorite! I feel good after I drink one of these, but if I did it everyday after a while some of those yucky candida symptoms creep back. I try not do that too much accept this last 5 months I have felt some stress due to the move and have been wanting to feed my emotional body, and have felt the consequences. Time to get on the green thing again and feel better.

I will be sharing with you next time some strategies for staying on an all sweet free diet if your are dealing with candida or any illness that creates a yeast or fungus like condition. For now I'll give you one tip to help you stop craving sweets and other less than excellent foods.

Basic Green Soup! First I put in a half of lemon, half cucumber, celery, small tomato, and maybe a little green apple, and blend them some. Then I put some leafy greens in like kale, collards, bok choy, cilantro, parsley, basil, or maybe even some dandelion. I flavor it with cletic sea salt, garlic, ginger, or cayenne pepper. At this point you can drink it or if your wanting or needing some fats you can add a hand full soaked seed or nuts. This makes it rich and creamy. Use different green each time and get creative with flavoring. Good Luck! If it does not turn out, think of it a medicine and down it! You will get use to it.
I do have some yummy recipes that I will be sharing with you. For now get creative! Explore!

Decide to feel Great!

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