Monday, March 1, 2010

100 Day Juice Fast~!~

Hi Everyone,

My new friend Andy has set the bar! I'm going for a 100 day Juice Fast. I have been wanting to do a fast for a few years and was able to finish 19 days last fall. I believe that giving my digestive system a rest will allow for some very deep cellular healing. I'll keep you posted every day about how I am doing. Also, be watching for some videos I'll be creating soon!

Love You All!

1 comment:

Bob said...

I hope the fast yields great results for your digestive system. Do you know the term for a health-food store in a German speaking country? Das Reformhaus. The reform house. I didn't know the food's so good at one. I would've been a properly nourished juvenile delinquent, unlike the Invisible Man.

The Invisible Man felt so badly, he went to the doctor's office the other day. The receptionist announced his arrival, whereupon the doctor replied, "Please tell him I can't see him, right now."

Peace, Love and Understanding,
