Friday, February 12, 2010

Some Yummy Recipes to Keep You Going!

Garlic Soup

½ lemon
1 green apple
1 cup water
1 t salt
¼ bunch parsley
1 green onion
3 cloves garlic
1 bunch broccoli
¼ cup hemp seeds

Blend in Vita mix!

Almond Milk

1 cup almonds (soaked over night)
2 to 3 cups water, depending on how think and creamy you want it
Pinch of Celtic sea salt

Blend almonds in water and strain through nut milk bag strainer. Put
back in blender and add garlic, salt and basil to taste. Garlic and Basil optional.

Kale Salad

1 bunch kale chopped and massage 1 tsp Celtic sea salt into it till it’s wilted like lightly steamed kale
2 stalks celery
1 daikon radish shredded
1 or 2 avocados massaged into mixture with cayenne and salt to taste.



Bob said...

There's no kale at the Co-op this week, but I'd like to try this recipe. What role does the salt play? Does it start a process to make the kale more digestible or is it a flavoring technique?

Fellow bloggers, please submit more dance favorites: Thelma Houston "Don't Leave Me This Way", Abba "SOS", B.A.D. "The Globe", Miami Sound Machine "Doctor Beat", complete with sirens.

Rock On,

Susan Moon said...

Yes! you are absolutely right! The salt helps with breaking down the cell wall so you can digest the kale better! Yay! If you can let the kale sit in the salt for around 6 to 8 hours that would be optimal! Injoy!