Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Danced Today!

Hi Friends,

I was finally able to dance today. Part of taking care of myself in 2010 was to go back to 100% raw and exercise more. I have been 100% raw with mostly no sweets. The two times I made the intention to dance in my living room I injured myself. I'm thinking, what's that all about? The first time I was dancing I tweaked my neck a little and it hurt for about 5 days. Then when I was contemplating a regular dance regime the muscles between my right scapula and spine seized up. That is why I have not blogged for a while. It hurt to type and use the mouse.

That was 2 weeks ago and I'm just feeling enough relief to move again. I put on Michael Jackson! My old time favorite and danced for an hour. I moved slowly and carefully at first, stretching and warming up my body. Then I just went for it, still being careful not to over do it. I felt so good afterwards that I'm planning on dancing again tomorrow.

After a few weeks of this and I will be ready to enroll in a class somewhere. I want to do Hip Hop!

All the neck and back pains are a reminder that I need to keep up the exercise! I know this will help prevent more pain in the future.

I'm feeling excited to commit to dance and the next step is getting on my bike!



Bob said...

When you dance, do your senses tingle and take a chance? In a trance as the lonely mingle with circumstance. (Neil Young) Once I thought I saw you in a crowded hazy bar, dancing on the light from star to star, far across the moonbeam...I was trying to get some musicians to form a band and I saw you (Shanti) at The Waterstreet Brewing Company, politely declining would-be partners. I was surprised to see you there, but the band was good. I couldn't help but notice your grace and prowess, so I know it means a lot to you to be able to express yourself. Shanti is the best dancer I've ever seen, fellow bloggers. Once one tweeks a muscle though, it's best to rest.
I couldn't hike for three years (ligaments) and I couldn't play guitar last year (a wart on my index finger-gone now). It's frustrating. Now I can do those things again. I knew something was wrong and prayed for your recovery. Bob

Bob said...

What are some blogger's favorite dance tunes? I look back to the Eighties: George Kranz "Trommeltanz", Chaka Khan "I Feel For You", and everything New Order.

Bob said...

Hi, You mention Michael Jackson and I have to mention my obsession with a DVD I recently bought: The TAMI Show (Teenage Awards Musicians International). It was in Santa Mionica in 1964. It featured soul and rock's top stars (no Jackson 5, yet). THe Supremes were fabulous and the stage dancers practically danced over them.
JAMES BROWN, though. The Police sang "Turn on my VCR...Same one I've had for years...James Brown on The TAMI Show.... Same tape I've had for years "When the World is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around".

It's quite a dance performance. He could move.He didn't think anyone else was coming on, so he pulled all the stops. The Rolling Stones had to go on after him and somehow, I think their presence put them in the ttop spot that night. In 1968, James Brown saved Boston by playing The Garden the night after Rev. Martin Luther King was assassinated. His scheduled performance gave the city something besides violence and anguish at that troubled time.
All the Best,
