Sunday, December 28, 2008


Oh my goodness! Having candida is a very painful experience, especially if it has gone systemic. The symptoms are too numerous to list, and they show up differently in each person. If you are suffering from candida right now, I know how you feel, and I can help you become successful on your healing journey.

I suffered for many years and sought out the help of many natural healers and alternative doctors. They didn't know exactly what was going on in my body. They could identify some symptoms but not the root cause. Tests revealed that I had systemic candida. Still the treatments were not helping much. I did many cooked "Candida Diets" on my own, and they helped a little. The doctors told me that I would never heal form this and would have to maintain it for the rest of my life. Wow, for me that meant a diet mostly of steamed veggies and millet.

Nine years ago I started my green soup journey and in a week I felt much better, so I continued the soups for six months. Then I introduced the raw and living versions of crackers, pate's, lasagna, burgers, pizza etc. Even though I loved the variety of foods I could eat on a living foods diet, I still felt better on the green soups, and still do.

Healing happens on many levels, and takes time and dedication. I experienced many ups and downs along the way. Fortunately, over the years I figured out a way to make it easier, so you will experience more of the ups.

My coaching programs are designed to make it easy for you to free yourself form the pain of experiencing too many downs, and create a lifestyle that supports abundant health.

Pleas visit and check out my services~!~

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